Saturday, May 24, 2014

Quick Pencil Cake For Kindergarten

My son started his kindergarten last week!! His teacher had a small welcome present and a balloon for him ! She won his heart right there and then.

I had really not planned anything but I thought sending a cake for the class would be a nice start off gesture. Germans love kuchen!

I baked a plain chocolate cake and did a quick 10 minute decor. The most hassle free cake decoration ever for a kindergarten kid.
Color pencils! 

To wrap them around the cake without them leaning and falling apart I took a long strip of tape and placed it on the table sticky side up. 

I arranged the pencils on it and then just lifted the strip up and wrapped it around the cake. To secure it further I added a ribbon too.

I had left over frosting from a cake I made for a friend the day before...Instant job done.

I just wish I had more pencils to go around the entire cake but like I was not planned.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Easter Bunny Swiss Roll

Being Muslims we have no concept of Easter celebrations. 
We do love buying easter chcoloate bunnies and Choco Eggs though! Since, we live here in Germany and our son is growing up in this community we do let him participate ( without relegious interference)  in his play group activities so that he does not feel singled out.

Easte Egg Hunt in the Forest

This week the kindergarten had an Oster Eltern Cafe and i had to take something to add to the easter table. I baked a chocolate swiss roll, with whipped cream filling and philladelphia cream cheese frosting.

The bunny had a slight migraine in its right eye:p

The ears are paper with toothpicks taped at the back.
For the the whiskers I used a toothpick and black gel color.

Good Reads

Its been a streak of lovely warm days here in Munich (Edit: Well no more) ..and day light saving has added a bonus, a little more space to slow down late in the afternoon, sip on some tea and soak in some sun on my little balcony. 
While my son takes a nap I am usually found with the ipad.
What had previously been a daily ritual to go through my bloglovin feed has recently been partly replaced by this great aap called Goodreads.
 Do check it out if you love reading.

I am a slow reader. I take my time. I find that kind of peace in bed at night with my book light on. Oh what an invention! 

My recent reads are two very different genres. 
The Forty Rules of Love by Elif Shafaq is a deeply written book with Sufism at its core.
 My first interaction with sufism was my early teenage favorite band Junoon. But that was then. 
This book was a contemporary take on sufism.
 Although the book is full of quotes from Rumi..the forty rules themselves are quotable but here are some of the casually written lines that I highlighted.

It was the laughter of a woman who had never learned not to pay too much attention to the judgments of others. “Just go with the flow,” he said. “Let go!”

“The universe is one being. Everything and everyone is interconnected through an invisible web of stories. Whether we are aware of it or not, we are all in a silent conversation. Do no harm. Practice compassion. And do not gossip behind anyone’s back—not even a seemingly innocent remark! The words that come out of our mouths do not vanish but are perpetually stored in infinite space, and they will come back to us in due time. One man’s pain will hurt us all. One man’s joy will make everyone smile,” he murmured. “This is what one of the forty rules reminds us.”

“If you want to strengthen your faith, you will need to soften inside. For your faith to be rock solid, your heart needs to be as soft as a feather. Through an illness, accident, loss, or fright, one way or another, we all are faced with incidents that teach us how to become less selfish and judgmental, and more compassionate and generous. Yet some of us learn the lesson and manage to become milder, while some others end up becoming even harsher than before. The only way to get closer to Truth is to expand your heart so that it will encompass all humanity and still have room for more Love.”
Some people feed on the miseries of others.

One should keep the intellect satisfied and yet be careful not to spoil it.

"...never loosng time with pleasantries"

"That which can not be put into words can only be grasped through silence"

"The more she remained calm and composed, the more her children shared with her. Once she had stopped running after them, they had stopped running away from her. Somehow things were working more smoothly and closer to her liking than in the times when she had tirelessly tried to help and repair. 
And to think she was doing nothing to achieve this result! 
Instead of seeing her role in the house as some sort of glue, the invisible yet central bond that held everyone together, she had become a silent spectator. She watched events unfold and days waft by, not necessarily coldly or indifferently but with visible detachment. She had discovered that once she accepted that she didn’t have to stress herself about things she had no control over, another self emerged from inside—one who was wiser, calmer, and far more sensible. “The fifth element,” she muttered to herself several times during the day. “Just accept the void!” "

Next up, Burnt Shadows by Kamila Shamsie. The attention to detail is superb. The text rides you to Nagasaki, Tokyo, Delhi, Mussorrie, Karachi, Islamabad, Abbotabad, Peshawar, Istanbul, Kandahar, Iran, Canada, New York, Seattle, Miami...Being a Masters in International wonder I enjoyed it !

I could relate to it on another level too. The multilingual air of the book. Charecters communicate in English, Urdu and German..all three languages that I can understand! The Burtons, The Weisses, The Ashrafs, The Tanakas cross each others paths in one book.

From the Nagasaki bombings to 9/11. With so many ingrediants the book lost its plot sometimes but as a whole it was a good read. 

Here's a funny thing..when I read a novel I try to give faces to the charecters. 

So for Raza I had chosen the face of Riz Ahmed ( The Reluctant Fundamentalist, The Road To Guantanamo, Britz) Although the author ascribes japenese features to him.

For Harry I had the face of George Fulton.( George Ka Pakistan)

 Courtesy: google images

For Elizabeth..Nicole Kidman as Lady Sarah Ashley in Australia;)

Oh and can I say something crazy?

This is James ;)

Monday, March 17, 2014

Geomatric Float

Easiest DIY Painted Pillow in the history of ever.

The pictures will do the talking.

The inverted colors seem to work well too:)

1. Plain White Pillow Case    2.Tape   3.Follow the instructions on your fabric Paint. Done!

Ikea Hack: Fornbro Table

Are you ready kids?
Ay ay captain!

Who else has a coral crush from under the sea?



On the scale of frugality this little upgrade wins.
We got this small table free with the purchase of our coffee table from someone in a hurry to get rid of stuff.
The paint came in an offer at Aldi. Super cheap.

If I may, here's a tip on how to work/DIY with trendy colors without sabotaging your budget.
Whenever there is a color trend going on I can not resist jumping on the bandwagon. 
Instead of  changing the entire scheme of my house or wardrobe around that fad which will probably only last for a couple of months what I do is I add tiny bits. 
A cushion or a frame or any such small replaceaple item. I would never go on and paint my enire wall or buy a couch just for the sake of getting on-trend.

What Not To DO: Take crappy pictures from phone camera, rearrange furniture before the picture that now shows carpet marks.

It Matters If Your'e Black And White

Excuse the twisted title of the post. To compensate there you go lets listen to Michael Jackson himself :D

I am totally hinged to this color duo. Totally.
I am wearing B&W, my new place mats are B&W, My last three projects were all in the same +/- space.
Its been around for a while but the fever just caught me.

I showed you the two chairs I picked up from our neighbor's 'zu verschenken' pile. They had a good solid skeleton.

I was pleased to see that Ikea's new limited collection of chairs in pastel colors have a similar structure.

I've never painted furniture except for the one sideboard which was done totally without proper supplies.

Here's the Before and After. 

The fabric was also Ikea, leftover from my book shelf.

Here's a snippet of what my mommy had to say:

  Laurence Llewelyn-Bowen

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mapping The Mid Century

Here's a quick little peak at my recent updo.

The mc table is an ebay find. I absolutely love antique globes and maps..sadly I own none..and have no place in my current rental to display anything of the sort.

I had this classroom map which I bought at the supermarket a couple of years ago intended for a DIY.

To stick it on top of the table I used glue spray.

I wanted the dipped look for the legs so I took the shortcut and used yarn instead of paint.

Pretty simple.

Apologies for the crappy photos

Oh Deer! I Tried Painting.

You know one of those moments when you secretly hope and wish to be a person of better tastes. You try stuff that's new to you and you pretend you're a natural at it. It could be acquiring a new sport, a new company of friends, a new genre of literature, a new accent maybe..yaaa knowww! :D

 Well here's what I did last weekend. I got my self a larger than life canvas..ehem..paint brushes..charcoal pencils..all set to draw the most intimidating antlers resting on the head of a deer staring boldly into your headlights.
My inspiration was this stunning project I found here.
It started off pretty well.

I went free hand with the sketch. had eyes of its own.
I drew a cross between Paris Hilton's chihuahua and Bambi.

Not being satisfied..I went ahead and smothered the charcoal with acrylic paint. Not a good combination I learnt.
By this time my son had crossed his speed limits and was in his pre bedtime hyperactivity zone. So I left my piece of refined statement art as it is.
I was stressed about it not turning out as good as I had trusted myself.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Geometric Himmeli

I recently added fabric to my bookshelf from the house of Scandinavian furniture: The good old Ikea!

My current crush is this modern version of Scandinavian art: The Himmeli ornaments. 
Mandi from Vintage Revivals made it seem all so easyyy. I followed her super elaborate tutorial and made only  a basic shape of himmeli to add a color pop to my décor.

Cocktail straws, wire and spray paint..
Its a cinch.

DIY Celestial Decor with Toothpicks

This little project took no time at all. I was cringing to have some gold décor around my home.

The Styrofoam ball cost just 55 cents..toothpicks were already on hand.

To start I went around the circumference of the ball poking toothpicks in.
For the next row I inserted the toothpicks in an order that each went in the middle of two toothpicks  above.

I spray painted it gold  and the spikey porcupine now lives on my new upstyled Billy.

Ikea Hack: Billy Bookcase

There's a whole website out there full of exhibits of creative, reverse engineered and heady ideas to hack those mass produced Lacks, Billys and Malms. So much fun!

I needed a bookcase/updated living room/ cheap bill.

Enter..Billy Bookcase

Some Fabric

I had seen similar stuff on pinterest. You can use wallpaper, wrapping paper, paint or fabric.

 I used an electric tacker to staple the fabric on the board.

 Note of caution; if you use a thick fabric like I used the board backing for this model will NOT slide into the slit provided.

Mr. had to add nails on the edges and mid section to set the back.

Oh and I only realized while I was working, that my top matches the fabric!
I love it.